Join Us In Creating Yes's - With leads flowing to your inbox!

Work with others that want what you sell!

If you haven't taken advantage of Facebook advertising yet, and want too! -This is for YOU! We are lowering the "barriers of entry" for Loan Officers to enter the space of online campaigning. The professionally done service turns on a switch for leads for YOU! We give you a CRM to manage those leads and turn on a robot arsenal of follow up sequences that helps your name be seen by those leads. Sly dial, text message, email drip campaign and chat bots are all apart of the custom built project! Start your online adventure! Have leads flowing and more deals closed in JULY!

GET SET UP FOR SUCCESS - A done for you system that allows you to customize and ad on to it! A way to truly see results right away and start your own campaigning! - A Done for you system that includes;

1. A CRM for leads to go into. (if you have one - great we can make leads go there)
2. A Community page made for an ad to be run on. - Your page doesn't have the relevancy score
3. A Professional ad with ad copy made just for you! - To collect names, phone numbers and emails
4. A follow up sequence that includes SLY DIAL - TEXT MESSAGE - EMAIL DRIP CAMPAIGN -CHATBOTS
5. Monthly reporting on funnel optimization and performance of your funnel
6. My organic training for you to start learning ad copy and to build your relevancy on your own page! #TheBLUEPRINT 3 day training workshop!
7. A group support channel, and FB group offers content to help you get ideas for organic campaigns
8. Guidance on custom tailoring the follow up sequences to add on to them yourself!

Disclaimer - I will call you - Don't fill out unless you want to know more!